Project Highlights

Embark Education

Founded and Launched a Middle School, embedded in, and owner of a neighborhood coffee & bike shop. Exploring the boundaries of what “school” can look like, feel like and what it is designed to do. It is a lighthouse for introducing radical trust, learner centered agency and real world learning designed to influence school systems, structures and perceptions of youth.

Embark is an initiative of Great Work, Inc. where I was Executive Director from November, 2015-January 2023. Learn more

Train Montessori and The Math Institute

Train Montessori and The Math Institute were the programmatic outcomes of ideating, designing and facilitating an international cohort of independent Montessori leaders with varied and entrenched perspectives on how to establish a codified standard for training and curriculum.

This 2 year endeavor, partnered with Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) to adopt and create teacher training standards and curriculum guides that are now accepted globally as the unified standard and were pioneers in bringing AMI Montessori Training into digital and distance-learning formats.

Once adopted by AMI, I established and launched out as a viable and independent organization, Train Montessori and The Math Institute, along with an annual international Montessori Adolescent Practitioners Symposium.

Iterative Space

Ahead of the summer of 2020, educators were reeling from the mid-year Covid pivot, we realized that the way forward was not traditional PD, workshops or tools, but collaborative, creative and liberatory space. I had been inspired by a visit to STIAS in South Africa where they found profound amplification of ideas by simply asking Fellows to share a meal once a day.

Iterative Space brought passionate, dedicated professionals together in a space designed for collaborative learning, connection and deep work and we stripped it of expectation. What resulted was some of the most interesting ideas, partnerships and product/entity launches in education.